RTX Reactor is my newest experimental project that allows you to use your any of your favorite Bedrock Edition texture packs with ray tracing. It does so by generating full RTX support for them.
All user needs to do is to give it a texture pack! RTX Reactor processes it locally and outputs the ray tracing-capable version.

My overall vision for RTX Reactor is to have it generate packs that would be usually better or no different than when a resource pack author tries to add ray tracing support to their texture packs (which in reality most never do, there are very few original non-vanilla texture packs for ray tracing floating around the internet)
RTX Reactor will eliminate lots of manual human effort, so that the player is no longer limited to Vanilla RTX or a few Minecraft RTX capable resource packs, but instead thousands.

For the time being, my Patreon and Discord serve as the home for news of its development.
RTX Reactor is still a work-in-progress, but if you wish to get access to current alpha releases and support its development, consider becoming a Gilded Patron! 

Check out the latest release showcase video: